Tuesday, October 9, 2012

On This Day In 1492

On this day in 1492,

Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

He sailed until someone said, "Land!"

And then, the real voyage began.

A trail of tears and decimation;

someday it would build a nation.

But, not until those who came before,

were gone and silent, used up, no more.

Today, we stand on a land of spoil.

We wonder what it must have been like to toil

like Columbus and his Merry Men;

were they evil, kind, or vaguely ken?

Today, in twenty-ten and two,

we know Columbus sailed that ocean blue.

But, could it be he missed the goal?

To till not for soil, but rather, for souls?

Copyright@2012 OneVoiceSpeaking
Above Image is in the Public Domain.