Tuesday, October 9, 2012

On This Day In 1492

On this day in 1492,

Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

He sailed until someone said, "Land!"

And then, the real voyage began.

A trail of tears and decimation;

someday it would build a nation.

But, not until those who came before,

were gone and silent, used up, no more.

Today, we stand on a land of spoil.

We wonder what it must have been like to toil

like Columbus and his Merry Men;

were they evil, kind, or vaguely ken?

Today, in twenty-ten and two,

we know Columbus sailed that ocean blue.

But, could it be he missed the goal?

To till not for soil, but rather, for souls?

Copyright@2012 OneVoiceSpeaking
Above Image is in the Public Domain.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day Poetry

Ode To My Dad

For all the money you gave, but never had.

For all the boys you tolerated, though certain they were bad.

For all the times you agreed, when you knew you'd been had.

For all that and more....   Thanks for bein' my dad.

One Voice Speaking @ Copyright 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012

She Sleeps

She Sleeps. 

She draws the covers a little tighter.

She drifts in and out ...

Her body craves something, but what?

Her soul wanders, but where?

Her heart yearns, for whom?

She does not know.

And so, 

She Sleeps.
