That Sandusky is giving interviews is just a staggering notion to me. Second, he clearly is clueless as to right and wrong. Third, this article even more clearly demonstrates the willingness of EVERYONE around this guy to look the other way. More than for Sandusky, this article is damning, once again, to all those around him. And, illuminates the situation even further. And, it ain't pretty.
And, I bet this culture is more pervasive than we'd like to believe. That's the scary part of this story.
What this says to me? The days when you could trust people with your child (if there ever was such a day): they are over. If this story makes you feel less safe when it concerns your kids, then it's done its job. The higher up the food chain, the more they stand to lose, be assured, the first thought of those at the top concerning any impropriety is, "How does this impact my career?" and "How can I keep this quiet so it doesn't negatively impact me?"
Child molestation charges dirties everyone involved, innocent or not. Frankly, THAT is something we have to get over. It happens. It's horrible. But, that doesn't mean we ignore it. THAT is a notion handed to us by a previous generation. Keep it quiet. Don't talk about it. Keep it in the family.... No. As a society, we have to call it out and address it head on wherever we find it and then help the victims move on. And, make sure justice is liberally served on the perpetrators.
But, when it comes to institutions and those trying to protect themselves, they believe this to be such a heinous topic, they'll go to extraordinary lengths to keep it quiet. Both institutions and those involved with those institutions. Just look at the Catholic Church and all it has to deal with. Everyone just wants it to go away. And, quietly. No one wants to believe there's a monster out there. Or that they might be associated with that monster. So, they just kick the can down the road, hope it will just go away, and believe the lie. Until finally, it can't be believed any longer.
These guys (around Sandusky - at the university and charity) knew the score. All of them. So, they covered it up. Big time. Kick the can down the road. Say one thing. Do another. You can bet it was the university that shut down the police investigation for the first incident in 1998. And, when I say "university," I don't mean an institution. I don't mean those students who attended. I mean those men in their ivory towers with enough power, who could pull all the right levers to make it all go away. And that's exactly what they did.
So, for my money, I don't doubt Sandusky's words are true on that fact. He was questioned only once; then within a few days, it was over. That's what's so interesting about his revelations. He has no idea how his own words will incriminate those around him and therefore, incriminate HIM. Why cover it up, if it's not a big deal? If it's not true? Precisely. So now, the coverup is even bigger than the university. And, watch the blame and denials fly. Or, have they already? Oh yea....they have. "He never talked to me....He never said that..... We never...." Right.
They shut it down in 1998. And, more proof in the pudding? Sandusky was put on the B track, hoping to get him out of there and away from their precious reputation. Nothing else mattered. Just, reputation. Charges means sullying that reputation. There are other ways to protect that reputation. And, those precious dollars that come with it. Sandusky would have to decide to go of his own accord. According to him, that plan worked. He walked. And, the men in their ivory towers at that university thought they'd won.
But, here we are today. It backfired. It took a while. But, it backfired. And, lots of kids (apparently) personally paid for that approach.
And, what's even more staggering? Clearly, Sandusky STILL does not understand that he's done anything WRONG. I truly believe he believes he has done nothing wrong. When a guy - right off the bat - can say he's showered with kids -- showered with kids -- and not see anything wrong with that? We're not even allowed to HUG fully clothed kids nowadays. And, you're showering naked with children????? We're not playing with a full deck, people. And, either he's got selective amnesia, or he knows all the vile things he's done. Either way, I suspect psychiatric treatment is in order for this guy. The gig is up, man.
So, one view of Sandusky's wagging tongue might be: He has decided, after YEARS (decades) of getting away with it -- as signaled by the failed actions of those around him to recognize the seriousness of his actions and bring him up short on it -- that somehow his actions concerning children are "ok".... Approved. Of all the things he has done concerning children, none of them are inappropriate. I mean, he got away with it for how many years now? When people were told, what did they do? Nothing. After a while your moral compass gets out of whack.... If you ever had one to begin with....
So, the answer to the dilemma, on Sandusky's part, is to demonstrate how everyone looked the other way. I mean, this surely demonstrates he did nothing wrong and this is just all blown out of proportion. Right? Does he not see all the forks in the road - based on his OWN testimony of accounts - where those around him should have turned right, but went left? No. This never occurs to a man who has convinced himself he's doing and has done nothing wrong. But, it's as clear as day to the rest of us who are utterly shocked at the covering up along the way of a man who clearly had perverse intentions regarding children. How many warning signs do people NEED before they say, "You no longer can interact with children, period. And, oh, btw, we're calling the cops to investigate...." (Not to mention: inform parents!!! Hello!!?!??!)
Why did Second Mile not completely eliminate him from the program? It would take down their organization. (As today, it has.) Same reason Penn State didn't fire him. He had to leave of his own accord or the gig was up. Cover up and kick the can down the road and save your own hide. That's the game plan.
It just staggers the imagination, doesn't it? At least I hope it does.
But, I'm still puzzled by Sandusky's belief that talking is good for him. What is the point of his saying that others looked the other way? That they were the judge and jury - they ruled in his favor - and so therefore he did nothing wrong? Those people today, when it's all come out, JOBS! Hiring lawyers, and the like. Because someone finally said, "No. We won't overlook this." And, heads rolled. (Maybe not for the right reasons, but nevertheless....)
So, for Sandusky to point out the ineffectual nature of those around him as some sort of... what... defense? Blame game? I don't get it. The conclusion from that is...what? That...
a) They did their jobs, Sandusky is innocent, and everyone else today is wrong?
b) IF they'd done their job, they'd have rescued many young boys from this man? They'd have caught him? (Did he want to be caught?)
c) It's not Sandusky's fault no one around him did their jobs? THEY are the real villains in all of this?
Well, one thing's for sure. This time, there will be a trial. The real stories will come out. Maybe Sandusky will continue to wag his tongue and we'll be able to piece it all together in ways we'd otherwise never have imagined possible. When people wag their tongues long enough, truth has a way of coming home to roost.
And, maybe we'll all learn something from this. Some things in this world are worth more than your damn reputation and certainly, money. It's better to figure that out THIS side of the veil. There are a lot of people intimately involved with this man's past who need to figure that out, and fast.